Number of Registered Facilities/Groups 86 (as of October 2024)
Number of Registered Facilities/Groups 86 (as of October 2024)
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Tsuchinoto House

Area name Unnan Area
Practitioner Hiromi Sanbe
Hands-on Experiences Nature Experiences/Others
Accommodation Accommodation
Meals Available

Atop a small hill along prefectural highway 45 sits Tsuchinoto House, a tranquil place operated by the Sanbes, a couple who moved from Tokyo after the earthquake and tsunami.
Mr. Sanbe studied agriculture and works to grow various vegetables and rice, while Mrs. Sanbe ran a private salon as an aesthetician and therapist and now treats customers out of their home.
The two of them enjoy a slow-paced, carefree lifestyle of self-sufficiency, as they harvest vegetables from their garden and cook them with local flavors or cook their home-grown rice in an earthenware pot. "We want to show people who are considering an 'I-turn' (moving from the city to the countryside), that even city folk like us can live here without any problems. Please come visit us as though you were going to relax at a country home," say Mrs. Sanbe. Mr. Sanbe is an excellent guitar player and has many unusual instruments as well, which make for an enjoyable time with the couple.
They also hold many workshops and culinary events, so why not check out their website and try one out.

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Farmwork experience


Experience category Rural Area-Specific Experiences
Period All year
Suitable age group Elementary school age and above
Number of participants Approximately 5 people
Time required Depends on type of work
Fee Price including lodging: 8000 yen
Things to bring Clothes for getting dirty, boots
Experience content Depending on the season, many experiences are available in the field in front of the house, from planting rice paddies in May and June to harvesting the rice in October and using ancient threshing and winnowing machines.
The crops are grown without using chemicals or fertilizer, and both planting and harvesting are generally done by hand without using any machines. Harvest fresh seasonal vegetables with your own hands and enjoy a meal cooked to bring out the true flavors of the ingredients. A particularly rare delicacy is green foxtail on rice. If you are wondering whether the green foxtail plant is actually edible, please give it a try. We are eager to try out many new vegetables in the future.

Body relaxation


Experience category Sports Experiences
Period All year
Suitable age group Junior high school pupils and older
Number of participants Approximately 5 people
Time required Approximately 30 minutes
Fee 2000 yen in addition to lodging
Things to bring Nothing
Necessity of reservation Please place your reservation at least one week in advance.
Experience content This experience will allow you to relax your posture with a combination of stretching and self-massage. While fixing the imbalances in your body caused by your everyday life, you can spend some quiet time relaxing.
Mrs. Sanbe used to run a therapy salon when she lived in Tokyo, but now she teaches gymnastics to schoolchildren. Twice a month, she holds a "body relaxation club", where she teaches about the structure of the body and does massage, stretching, and exercise. (Reservation required)
You can learn how to massage yourself, so you can improve your body's condition every day during your spare time. The salon room also has a model skeleton so you can learn about the body's structure and correct any bad movement habits you have in order to gain better posture.

Coffee bean roasting


Experience category Culinary Experiences
Period All year
Suitable age group Junior high school pupils and older
Number of participants Approximately 5 people
Time required Around 1 hours
Fee 2000 yen in addition to lodging
Things to bring Nothing
Experience content Using the raw organic beans carefully selected by Mr. Sanbe, it takes about 30 minutes to roast fresh coffee beans. (Roasting is the process of adding heat to raw coffee beans.)
Harvested and refined raw coffee beans have a light green color and almost no aroma or taste, making them undrinkable in this state. As they are roasted, the beans change from light brown to very dark brown in color. During roasting, the compounds in the beans undergo chemical changes, producing the unique taste of coffee with volatile aromatic fragrance, bitterness, acidity, and sweetness. After roasting, the beans are then ground in a mill, where their flavor can be affected by how they are ground and the coarseness of the grind. You can learn a lot about coffee as you enjoy the special flavor of coffee made with your own hands. If you let the coffee mature it will gain depth and become even more delicious. After drinking the first cup here, you can bring the rest home with you. It can be fun to compare the difference in flavors between the first cup and the matured coffee.

Facility details

Facility name 三瓶 裕美
Practitioner Hiromi Sanbe
Address  1019-22 jiryo, kisuki-cho, Yunnan City, Shimane Prefecture
Inquiry phone number +8180-4130-0225
Closed days Nothing
Transportation method Approximately 30 minutes by foot from Kisuki station. Approximately 15 minutes by foot from Hinobori station.
Note *Please use the neighboring onsen for bathing. (Except those wishing to experience a firewood-heated bath)
*Organic farming experience of working in rice paddies and fields also available.
(No chemicals or fertilizer. Historic tools can be used for farmwork.)

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